What is this blog about?


A lot of people in my life have been left wondering what exactly happened on my World Race from September 2012 through March 2013 that so curiously and abruptly had me coming home in month 7, rather than month 11. A very general message was given from the pulpit about why my mission ended early and why I returned home so sick and traumatized. It was understood that I returned home because I left the World Race to recover my health and get out of a very unhealthy spiritual environment. My family, friends, and blog-readers all want to know: “what really happened while you were on the World Race?”

I want to make very clear what this blog is not about. This is not my place to vent my personal feelings or struggles. My intent is not to bash, hate, or diss World Racers, my squad mates, leadership or the ministries involved, but it’s simply to raise awareness — to mark, call out, whistle-blow on false teachings, scripture-twisting doctrine, occultic practices, spiritual formation in lieu of biblical discipleship and negligent care of missionaries amidst dangerous theology that is being taught and promoted through a very popular, very appealing and very widely accepted adventure disguised as a “Christian mission” known as the World Race.

This blog is to stand as a warning and inform each reader at their own discretion. It’s not an open invitation to debate or argument.

Adventures in Missions has enough propaganda, marketing and testimonial evidence of who they are and what they stand for in their own branded World Race blogs, lingo and discipleship process. Many, many people have had great experiences. (If that happens to be your stance, God bless you and I am not trying to convince nor sway you that it wasn’t great.) I understand that.

The concern I want to address is the underlying foundation of those experiences, while sharing in love and truth about my own experience.

My story is simply that: my story.

Whether you’ve personally been involved with the World Race, have left early or got sent home (or are currently contemplating leaving or not launching because you’re seeing red flags), or know someone who is involved with the World Race, my prayer is that you’ll discern truth, be comforted and encouraged to know that it’s not “just you.”

Please be strengthened and renewed in knowing that you’re not alone and find reassurance here that it’s not too late to let the Truth set you free.

My heartfelt prayer for you is that as you read through the content of this blog that you’ll increase in wanting to understand truth, be extremely discerning, allow your mind to be challenged in having a renewed perspective of things as they are rather than how they seem about the World Race and ultimately, find your heart being ministered to here.

Whether you have currently or previously had involvement with a cult, spiritually abusive church, leadership, or other organization, I pray that the resources, articles, information, personal testimony, research and content of this blog will bring comfort, assurance and clarity to you and also strengthen your spirit in whatever circumstance you find yourself in presently.

God bless you.

In His grip,
